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Lab Grown Diamonds
We cut our own diamonds! So you can buy from the source!
Shape: Round
Color: E/F
Make: Triple-Excellent
Triple Excellent Make
Make is the forgotten factor in loose melee, but it can be the most important factor. Color & Clarity can be D, VS but if the light doesn't pass through correctly - you've got a diamond with little luster
E/F Color Standard
The Industry Standard "G/H" won't always cut it - especially for White gold or Platinum
Save on Carat Weight
Dia-Co Diamonds weigh about 5-10% less than the industry norm because of our triple excellent make. For example, 100 stones of 1.3mm fair make would be around 1ct. With triple excellent make, they weigh around 0.90-0.95ct. With us, you get the best quality & best price.
Graded as per GIA
Every diamond is graded by GIA graduate graders. It is common in the melee industry to call diamonds by a grade it isn't really. With us, you get exactly what you ask for - never any doubt.
Precisely Calibrated
When making a jewelry piece, precise calibration makes a big difference with luster. Quality setting requires stones within 0.05mm deviation in size - we offer that as a standard.
Always in Stock
Next Day Shipping
Whether it's 10 stones of one size or 10 carats - we have the inventory to back your sales.
No need to wait longer than "tomorrow morning, 10am"
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